Profiling Tool
The Neurodiversity Hub
The Cornwall ND resource pack is called the “Neurodiversity Hub” and is sited here on the Parent Carer Cornwall website. This Profiling Tool section sits within it.
The Cornwall Neurodiversity Hub provides families, young people and professionals with access to a range of resources and tools, up to date information and interactive functions which offer support.
The ND Hub is divided into colour labelled sections:
The red section tells you about the ND Profiling Tool
The blue sections cover the 9 areas of the Profiling Tool.
The green sections are other areas of need that may come up in your Profiling Tool guided conversation.
The orange sections have been developed to provide further information:
Families can find information to support their child’s and their own needs including “Parent Space”, “Hiding in Plain Sight” and “Preparing your child for adulthood”.
The “Getting Started” buttons provides a brief introduction to the subject area and “More Information” explains more details for those who want to read further.
Some sections have very specific tabs, especially for example in areas with a lot of information such as “Sensory processing” and “Sibling Zone”. There are also specific tabs for topics such as “Bedtime” and “Melatonin” under “Sleep” and “School Anxiety & Refusal” under “Parent Space”.
“Hiding in plain sight” looks at our hidden children and young people such those who are masking, those who are school refusing and those who are communicating with behaviours in school.
Schools can find more specific information in the “Reasonable Adjustments” zones. Schools may also like to read the “Hiding in Plain Sight” section.
Teenagers have their own “Teenage Zone” under almost every section. You may also like the “Hiding in Plain Sight”, “Friendships” and “Siblings” zones.
Young adults
Young adults also have their own section called “My Independent Life”. The “Hiding in Plain Sight” section may also be helpful.
Glossary, printable versions and Easy Read
There is a Glossary to explain words you may want to check the meaning of. We also have Printable versions of every page.
In 2024 we will be converting every page to an additional Easy Read printable version. Easy Read is a way making information more accessible to people who find it difficult to read and write, have memory problems, or are communicating in a second language. It also helps where people find large amounts of text overwhelming.