Systemising & Empathising
Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustments are changes that your school or family makes to remove or reduce a disadvantage because of your neurodivergent needs around routine and change. You can ask for reasonable adjustments to be made.
Here are some ideas for children who may struggle with change:
- Have visual supports and planners available. Make sure they are individualised, written in a way the child/young person can understand, and are updated and used consistently – not just stuck on a wall.
- Use social stories and role play to explore new situations and address potential anxiety.
- Respect the need for predictability and routine wherever possible. Give advance warning about changes to expectations and time to adjust to changes.
- Provide a time out card or subtle sign the person can use to have the opportunity for time out of an environment they find challenging – if the environment cannot be altered sufficiently.
- Offer regular breaks.
- Structure more challenging tasks with times to do something more relaxing afterwards.
- Have regular ‘check in time’ to judge the level of challenge the person can manage that day / lesson / hour. Remember that this can change within as well as between activities.