PINS Project

Introducing The PINS Project

The Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) is a new project that builds on the idea of using a community approach to improve the experiences and inclusion of neurodivergent children within mainstream school settings.

The PINS project is part of a current national programme of partnership working between the Department of Education (DfE), the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC), NHS England (NHSE) and Parent Carer Forums (PCF).

Introducing the PINS Project

What is the PINS Project for…
This partnership work will give children, their families, and school staff the opportunity to have important discussions to understand how best to support neurodivergent children and their families within school communities across the country.

Parent Carers Cornwall, NHS Kernow, Cornwall Council and 42 participating school communities across Cornwall are working together to complete this important project work. The outcome of this local partnership work will be fed back into the national PINS programme for evaluation at the end of the project in March 2025.

How will the PINS Project work…
Parent Carers Cornwall has appointed 3 PINS Locality Support Officers, who will be holding face to face and online parent carer engagement events for each participating school community over the next 5 months.

The community engagement opportunities will be informal and inclusive sessions, where parent carer views and experiences will be gathered. Parent carers will also have the opportunity to explore ideas that could create positive change within their school community, together with school staff.

Introducing Cornwall’s PINS Locality Support Officers

Becca Hulbert

Becca is an actor, inclusion activist, community facilitator and parent. She is experienced in group facilitation, working for 7 years with parents and carers through her work with Wild Young Parents Project. She is skilled at running workshops with a creative solution focused approach. She is the creator and Artistic Director of the inclusive children’s theatre company ‘Arthur’s Club’, creator of the award-winning campaign, ‘Language Creates Reality’, is a Makaton Tutor and has lived experience of the SEND system with her son, who attends a local mainstream primary school in Cornwall.

Georgie Watson

Georgie is a neurodivergent parent of 2 neurodivergent children, who are both currently attending a mainstream primary school here in Cornwall. Alongside her lived experience, she has professional experience in project management for a local parent-focused CIC, chairing a local service-user committee in partnership with local NHS Kernow, patient & public voice expert roles with NHS England, best practice in community engagement & co-production facilitation, and family support during pregnancy, birth & early parenthood. She also has past voluntary experience in primary school governing and community & hospital infant feeding peer support.

Lauren Ladd

Lauren is an autism consultant, teacher and parent. She has spent most of her professional life working with and supporting neurodivergent families and individuals in Cornwall. She has worked in post-16 environments, mainstream schools and specialist provisions where she was head of inclusion, DDSL and family liaison. Lauren has also trained school staff teams on autism, autism and girls, and PDA – these training sessions have also taken her to speak as keynote at conferences on inclusion and social communication difficulties. Lauren is also a mum to 3 boys (twins and a singleton) and a very hairy dog!

How can I get involved…
Parent Carers Cornwall want to make sure all parent carer voices are heard.

Our PINS Locality Support Officers want to hear from any parent carers whose children are attending participating schools- regardless of whether your child has a diagnosis, is awaiting a diagnosis, needs additional support in school, or you are at the beginning of exploring your child’s needs.

Please look out for the PINS Project community engagement events being advertised in participating schools. If you are unable to attend these events to share your views and experiences, please get in touch with your school’s assigned PINS Locality Support Officer.

How to get in touch…
To get in touch with your school’s assigned PINS Locality Support Officer, please contact:

If your child(ren) attends:

Please contact PINS Locality Support Officer Becca Hulbert –

If your child(ren) attends:

Please contact PINS Locality Support Officer Georgie Watson –

If your child(ren) attends:

Please contact PINS Locality Support Officer Lauren Ladd –

Alternatively, if you aren’t sure who to contact, please get in touch with

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