My Independent Life
My Learning Journey
Continuing your education, whether it be full-time or part-time can open new opportunities in the world of work but can also help you to discover new interests, hobbies and skills. It can also be a good way to meet new people who you share an interest with.
Students aged 16 – 25 years in Cornwall have a range of options, including:
- School Sixth Forms
- Further Education Colleges
- Apprenticeships
- Traineeships
- Independent specialist providers/colleges
- Supported Internship
- Higher Education
- Other short courses and workshops
Reasonable adjustments in college and university education
Colleges and universities have a legal duty to try to remove the barriers you face in education because of disability. This is called “making reasonable adjustments”. These adjustments help make sure you get the same access to education as anyone else.
Apprenticeships and traineeships must also make reasonable adjustments for you.
Anyone can ask for adjustments if they need them. But to have legal rights to reasonable adjustments, you will need to be defined as ‘disabled’ under the Equality Act 2010. This usually means how your condition affects you, not what your condition is.
Types of reasonable adjustments
Adjustments you might get could be things like:
- getting notes and lectures in advance
- alternative formats of lectures or course material
- speech to text for video conferencing
- equipment or aids, such as BSL interpreters, scribes or specialist computer equipment
- one-to-one support
- accessible rooms and venues, such as having quiet spaces
- accessible student accommodation or specific housing arrangements
The term ‘transition’ is used to describe the life changes that a child or young person may go through. Eg changing classes, changing school, moving to college or work, moving to adult services.
At 16 from school to College, Sixth Form or Apprenticeship
At 18+ into Adulthood and Adult Services
Thinking about transition at 16 from school to College, Sixth Form or Apprenticeship?
Talk to your SENCO about the support you can receive post 16 to meet your individual needs. You will find Cornwall Council SEND Support Services on our website that can help. Find information about what to expect when moving to Post-16 education in our Guide for Young People to Post-16 Transition.
This includes information about preparing for Post-16 education from Year 9 onwards, what you should do, what schools should do and what the Post-16 provider should do.
Young people have a range of options available to them at the end of Year 11. Information about available options is explained on the Council webpage.
Many autistic pupils and students are academically able but have difficulties with revision and exams.
Exam stress
Working towards exams can make us feel a lot of pressure. We might not have that much choice over whether or not we actually do exams, but there are definitely things we can do to help deal with the stress we’re feeling.
Exam stress is:
- Excessive worry about upcoming exams
- Fear of being evaluated
- Apprehension about the consequences
- Experienced by many students
- Not mysterious or difficult to understand
- Manageable by following a plan of helpful suggestions
Exam Anxiety: The Science of Learning and Fear
Schools– Preparing autistic children and young people for exams – advice on supporting autistic children and young people with GCSE examinations, from preparing and revision to exam practice and wellbeing.
Parents– How to support someone with exam worries-
Reasonable adjustments and exams
Exams often test what you know. How you are able to do this should be adjustable, such as:
- doing the exam in a smaller room without other students
- having comfort breaks or snacks
- dictating to a notetaker or using a computer
- how long it takes you
- setting the exam timetable to meet your needs, such as if your condition is better in the morning or afternoon
Making adjustments for exams that test how you do something can be harder. Some adjustments might not be considered reasonable.
Online learning
E-learning, also referred to as online learning or electronic learning, is the acquisition of knowledge that takes place through electronic technologies and media. In simple language, e-learning is defined as “learning that is enabled electronically.” Typically, e-learning is conducted on the Internet, where students can access their learning materials online at any place and time. E-learning most often takes place in the form of online courses, online degrees, or online programs.
Evening classes
Local colleges and other providers such as local artists will advertise a selection of daytime, evening, and weekend courses, including part-time GCSE options. Whether you’re looking to enhance your qualifications or fulfil educational requirements there are many courses available during flexible hours to accommodate your schedule.
Going to University
Student loans
You may be able to borrow money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs. You start repaying once you earn over a certain amount. The size of your monthly repayments will depend on how much you earn, not what you owe. You’ll be charged interest on the loan from the day you take it out. You might get extra money on top of this, for example if you’re on a low income, are disabled or have children.
Living in university accommodation
Many students live in accommodation provided by their university, such as halls of residence. Halls are a particularly popular choice for first year and international students.
University halls of residence provide accommodation specifically for students and are often located within or nearby the university campus. The accommodation is generally available during term-time, although some may be available for certain students for the full calendar year.
The type of accommodation in halls can vary. Some provide single rooms with shared bathrooms, kitchens and communal areas, others provide ensuite rooms with shared cooking and communal areas. Some halls also provide meals and a bed linen and cleaning service. Some provide studio flats.
The accommodation office at your university can give you information about what accommodation is available, how much it costs and how you can apply.